
Right direction is more important than hardworking

      It is the first weekly meeting in 2016 that BBM hold in this weekend .Even the boss attends the meeting. .
       The usual difference is that the boss Mr joolbin haven’t conduct macro-environment analysis and the industry situation analysis of traffic lights in the meeting ,but raise a special question to us.

        He said :Ladies and gentlemen,since your jobs are dealing with all sorts of led traffic sign lights all day , which are more likely to enable you perceive led traffic lamps through perspectives of physical performance and chemical composition .and today there will be a chance allow all of us to learn more about led traffic signals light from another angle .First ,let’s think about a question that which one is the most important of our traffic products? You’re encouraged to state your views, to think broadly!

         Candice presented her ideas first: is that red yellow green full ball led traffic lights? Because it is the most widely used to adjust and control the transportation and typical representative of traffic products. So in my opinion,the red yellow green full ball led traffic lights is the most important.
         Joolbin nods, and smiles towards Candice, not giving her a straight answer. It is obviously that joolbin had a ready answer in his heart.
        The always cordial Elain rushed to say:”Mr joolbin you have roused our curiosity. Don't keep us guessing. Go on! ”
         Mr joolbin laughed and said: “Well, I’d like to share you my thought. I think the foremost traffic products is led arrow board.It is generally known that t he primary function of led arrow board is indicating direction of movement. In our lives, to keep up the orientation  is more important than hardworking. ”
         'Besides ,there is a story I also would like to share with all of you.”
        "A famous American scientists have conducted an interesting experiment in which he put five flies and five bees separately into two jar. After that he point the bottom of each bottle at a nearby light and the opening at other end at a direction away from the light source.are all dead with constant banging against the bottom of the bottle but the five flies manage to found a way out.
        "Why can’t Bees considered to be diligent and bright find the way out ?After  taking a deeper look at  the behavior after the bees were trapped in the bottle, scientists find a fact that the bees determine through experience that where there is light source there is a way."
        "They keep frying to the light source and perpetually repeat the logically behavior with no doubt.Glass for bee is Supernatural and  mysterious matter beyond the experience of bee ,and in nature they never come across impenetrability “atmosphere”like glass. The more intelligent ,the less they are willing to accept the strange illogic obstacles ."
       "Each time the bees fry to the light source with all their strength ,and even they are hit by the wall of bottle, they won’t learn their lesson . Contrarily they will picked himself up and continued to hurtling toward the same direction. Even the sacrifices of their companion cannot awaken the consciousness of changing the direction. In this way they Struggle in vain and eventually cause death.
        "while flies have no limits on logic of the thing and aren’t attracted by the light ,which allow them fly all over the bottle and increase the likelihood  of surviving. In the end flies find the opining and  recover  freedom and rebirth."
      "There was a thoughtful pause after listening the story .
       Then joolbin continued:"Take developing customers for example, to begin with ,if there are some position and orientation problems  leading you take a wrong direction,in any case ,you may not succeed in  finding your target customers."
       "Our new number should pay more attention to your direction and avoid spending so much time on something marginal which deviate from the right direction .Sometimes exploring your potential is the right way to solve the problem rather than fighting with your  weakness.  Speed will be meaningless if  you move in the wrong direction."
       "As for our older staff,  It is not sensible to be too dogmatic with certain things and stick to the usual course of convention.you’d better reflect on Your goals and direction – Not doing so is committing to wasteful misdirection.”

        "That is just why I said the most important traffic products is led arrow board."
         Just when Mr joolbin finished the sentence,we burst into thunderous applause.

