There is a tradition of review meetings at the end of the week in BBM
traffic light which is handed down to us from the beginning of establishment of
the company in 2005.
The meeting is a good time for a retrospective, introspective look at
the way you work and to improve your attitude and method at work .
Team joint retrospectives focus on the inter-team collaboration and
improvements that the teams can make to further improve the working environment,
team velocity,communication and collaboration.
When we focus on seeking improvement of the targeted problem, there
will be a possibility of finding the pain points which get to the root of the
problem.We will held a meeting when we experience some delay in delivery of led
traffic signal lights.
We can ask ourselves which part of the job is running smoothly
because they can boosted one’s confidence and self esteem. Generally success
begins with self-affirmation.Looking back into What we have already achieved can
generate tremendous positivity. The recognition of previous positive
achievements keep the team develop in a more hopeful and healthy way and
counteract bad stress. Furthermore, acknowledge of your progress improves the
chances that you will retain or repeat the behavior that led to achievement.
Meeting with no preparation will never be held in BBM.The largest
cost for a meeting is time, So the worst crime against company is the meeting
broke up without result . A meeting with no preparation in advance is almost a a
collective murder .In BBM traffic signal lights ,a more scientific management
and checkup beforehand always a crucial task for a meeting operators.Before the
meeting,everyone attending the meeting be sure to read the related materials and
procedures that will be addressed in order to minimize presentation and address
the key issues on hand,which also can be a good way of ensuring everyone think
about the problem to be discuss in advance .
The meeting aim at tracking progress against the project goals and
consolidating communication and cooperation of each department.It will improve
the execution by coordinating working method,progresses,deployment of staff and
equipment.Review meetings allow us sit down and brainstorm development and
improvement plan for a work program.
The traditional review meetings is exactly the reason why BBM always
are able to exceed customer's requirements and expectations on quality and
service of LED traffic sign lights through good teamwork, communication and
cooperation at all levels of our organization.