It is generally known that the certification of national Hi-tech enterprise represents the essential hard power of the enterprise which is base on technology .It gives a Strong brand influence after "China Famous Trademark ,China famous brand" and “National Exemption from Inspection Product”.Only the enterprises operating on the base of continuously research and development and technological achievement transforms to attain their own intellectual-property ,are qualified to apply for Hi-tech enterprise.
This is definitely a good news for our business and marketing department !
Whether in advertising campaign or project bidding, High -tech enterprise certification will greatly Improve the brand image and increase the competitiveness of the products by authoritative attestation.Construction units and government projects as well as project bidding involving investment and safety will request the supplier high-tech enterprise certificate,especially since our led traffic light belong to public traffic safety facilities .Certification of national Hi-tech enterprise is a pass of products entering into the domestic and foreign markets,opening up new market opportunities for us.
Furthermore, High-tech enterprise certification will allow enterprise enjoying preferential taxation policies and reducing taxes on entrepreneurial income,which can be quite beneficial to exports of led traffic lights.
This is also a good news for the engineering department.
This policy will inspire passion and enthusiasm of independent innovation and improve the science and technology innovation capability of enterprises,which is conducive to guiding the small and medium enterprises to adjust the industrial structure, and taking the road of independent innovation and continuous innovation. tech titan of engineering department' will be excited about Getting financial support of government.
Our hard preparation of six month for declaration has paid off.Since there are so many documents required by the Application Form from the intellectual property rights and the audit to the project, that everyone in the company are mobilized to collect materials and rally around just one powerful idea that we will succeed .
Shenzhen is a city where hard work is rewarded . With years' research and innovation, BBM company fight to form the core of the professional independent intellectual property patents and special technology of led traffic lights. and now ,We' ve done it ! We gained industry and consumers recognition by own characteristic technology and product in industry purification.